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You don’t have to be constantly on the move (no pun intended) to figure out that moving costs can add up quickly and end up costing you several thousand dollars, especially if you are moving cross-country. And amidst the chaotic nature of packing, decluttering, loading, and unloading, it’s easy to forget about all the costs that moving can entail.

As we’ve said a couple of times, a smoother and less stressful moving experience is all about planning. To better assess and determine your moving expenses, you should create a moving cost checklist that includes every little thing that you might need to add to the moving budget, everything from cleaning through supplies to getting a new car registration if necessary.

On that note, if you need help with moving in NYC, feel free to reach out to our expert movers in New York so we can speed the process up considerably.

Moving costs checklist

Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to predict moving expenses to the penny. The total amount of money you will have to spend will depend on a myriad of factors, such as the amount of stuff you have, how far you are moving, and so on. Moving company costs will also vary from firm to firm, and even then, the number of services you opt for, plus the human resources you will need to move your things, will also determine the final cost.

Still, hopefully, this blog post will enable you to get a better ballpark figure and help you better understand the budgetary requirements you might need if you are planning to relocate.

1. Moving your things

This should be thing number one when considering your moving costs. There are three main ways your stuff can get from point A to point B. You can take the DIY route, hire professional movers, or load a storage container.

Renting your own truck and packing yourself is definitely the cheapest option, but it will mean that you and your friends will have to put several hours of hard work into it. You can even get cheap vans rented for around $20. This might sound like an exceptional deal, but moving truck rentals usually won’t include damage protection, cost per mile, tolls, gas, and parking. When you take everything into consideration, the costs are closer to $100.

Also, you’ll want to buy your helping friends some food and refreshments, which will drive costs even higher.

On the other hand, hiring professionals takes out the guesswork. Estimates will be different for every company, so do your research to get a good deal. Roughly, local movers (under 100 miles) will charge between $800-$2,500 for essential services, while long-distance moving (above 100 miles) averages between $2,200-$5,700. Don’t forget that packing services can add a considerable chunk to these costs. Also, it’s highly advisable to get “full value protection” insurance to keep your stuff safe.

Container hauling is generally cheaper than full-service moving company costs. Still, the size of your home, seasonality, and moving distance will all affect cost. In this case, local movers charge between $1,100 to $1,600. On the other hand, moves over 1,000 miles average out around $4,430 for the contents of average-sized homes.

2. Your own transport

Your belongings are one thing – you also need to get yourself to the new location as well. A road trip means that you will have to pay for gas, meals, tolls, and even lodging. If you want to ship your car and get there by plane, you might face quite hefty expenses, too.

3 Stacking up on moving supplies

Bubble wrap, labels, tape, boxes – you will need to take everything into consideration if you are planning to move by yourself. You can probably cut down moving expenses if you get the boxes for free from your local grocery store, but this may still add up.

4. Arrival costs

If you are renting your new place, chances are you will need to take care of the first month’s rent and a security deposit. You might even need to take care of the fees of the utility hookups and pay a pet deposit as well.

If you’re moving into your new home, you might need to address a few repairs. Also, consider changing the locks, setting up the security system, and installing smoke detectors.

5. Cleaning costs

You will probably be responsible for cleaning up at your old place after moving out. Professional cleaning services will be different from provider to provider. Also, make sure that you get a good deal – it’s probably a lot easier than getting the cleaning supplies and doing all the work yourself.

6. Consider additional furniture costs

Even if you are bringing your old furniture with you, chances are your moving costs will also consist of buying a few new pieces for your new place.

While you can get great deals at flea markets on some furniture, substantial pieces will probably cost you a bit more.

7. Vehicle registration and license plates

If you are moving to another state, you will need to get new license plates and register for your car. The fee for registration can be as high as $225, while a new license plate will cost somewhere between $30 to $60.

Plan cleverly

As experienced movers from New York, we can tell you that the worst thing you can do while estimating moving company costs and other expenses is to underestimate your needs. The best thing you can do is to ensure you have a padded budget so that you can cover unexpected expenses if they do show up.

Generally, the best options include having the cash or covering it from your emergency savings. Still, you can also consider applying for personal loans, ask friends and family for help, or use 0% interest credit cards.

If you are shorter on money and need to move quickly, getting out of a personal loan might be the best idea because you can repay the lump sum in equal monthly installments and find the best option that fits your budget.

Plan wisely

Without a doubt, moving is a significant monetary commitment, but it doesn’t mean that you have to break the bank. Even before you start planning your budget, decide whether you will take the DIY route or use the services of professionals. Both options have their advantages and possible drawbacks. Also, consider what you need to take care of when arriving at your new place – do you need to pay rent and take care of your security deposit?

When you know what’s ahead of you, choosing the best option and determining a solid budget can be easier and more precise. Also, if you are looking for great deals, consider getting a comprehensive moving quote from us.

Take the stress out of moving and let our professional movers handle the heavy lifting for you.

Contact us today to get started!

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