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When preparing for moving, having a to-do list regarding packing is a simple must to get everything organized as needed. However, a declutter checklist for moving is also essential if you want to make the entire process easier and smoother.
Even if you are convinced that your current home isn’t very cluttered, you’ll find out that you will probably discover a couple of things you don’t need any more while packing to move.
Consciously or non-consciously, some of us are prone to turning our homes into large storage units for expired, unused, and surplus stuff. And just before moving, you suddenly realize that there are more than a handful of items you don’t actually need.
In this article, we will go over the essentials of a declutter checklist for moving, which can help you with the process. On the other hand, you can always take advantage of our professional packing service in New York to make the job easier.
Declutter before moving
Probably the best time for decluttering is when you are preparing for relocation. Decluttering means less packing, fewer boxes, more free space on the moving truck, less required manpower to do the job, and more. When you get rid of all the stuff you don’t need anymore before packing, you save lots of time, effort, and even money.
Packing to move: Declutter room-by-room

This simple declutter checklist for moving will help you sort out the stuff you don’t need room-by-room. The actual time you’ll spend decluttering will vary in individual cases, but it might take anywhere from a week up to a month to get the job done.
The kitchen
This one is pretty straightforward. Get rid of broken, surplus, mismatched, or unused things.
These can be:
- Small appliances:
- Unused kitchen utensils, tools, and appliances
- Sauce packets
- Expired food
- Unused cookware
- Old plastic lids containers and lids
- Water bottles
- Unused cookbooks
Declutter before moving: The family room and the living room
How to get rid of stuff before moving from a room where the entire family collects different items? The best way to tackle it is by taking a thorough look around these rooms together and scanning the spaces for broken or outdated stuff that nobody wants. These rooms can be a bit tougher to declutter, but when doing it together, it saves a lot of time and makes the rest of the decluttering process a lot easier and faster.
That being said, get rid of all unused:
- Kid’s toys
- VHS and DVD players along with unused cassettes, VHS tapes, DVDs, and CDs.
- Unused game consoles
- Old magazines
- Old pet toys
The bedrooms
These rooms are some of the best places you can declutter before moving. Let’s face it, bedroom drawers and closets often end up being storage areas and can contain a myriad of different things you simply don’t need or use anymore. Go over every closet and drawer and get rid of all unwanted:
- Shoes
- Clothes
- Hangers
- Accessories and jewelry
The bathroom
Just as kitchens, bathrooms can also store a lot of stuff with limited shelf lives. As such, they should be high on your declutter checklist for moving. There are probably quite a few items that have already expired, so consider getting rid of them.
They could be the following:
- Toiletries
- Expired medicine
- Old beauty supplies, cosmetics
- Old beauty tools like flat irons, hairdryers
Linen closets
Linen closets are also great decluttering spots, as they can make the packing phase easier and you can use the linens you don’t want to throw out for packing some of your fragile items.
That being said, take a closer look at the closets and get rid of unwanted:
- Sewing and craft supplies
- Sheets
- Comforters
- Blankets
- Towels
- Quilts
The home office
How to get rid of stuff before moving from your home office? The process is pretty simple and straightforward. Everything you don’t need anymore should go. However, as your home office may be filled with important paperwork, be careful of what you throw out.
However, old documents, old instruction manuals, and old/unused electronics should all go.
The garage
When packing to move, the garage will surely be one of those spaces where you’ll find a bunch of unwanted things. Most garages have a solid reputation for being fully-fledged storage spaces. When decluttering the garage, make sure to assess the space that will be available for you at your new home and declutter accordingly.
That being said, sort out and dispose of any unwanted:
- Hardware and tools
- Construction materials
- Unused camping gear
- Old appliances
- Unwanted yard decorations
- Extra car parts
- Party supplies
- Broken stuff
- Kid’s toys (again)
Make sure that you get rid of only the things you really don’t need. Consider donating things that are still usable, and make sure to properly dispose of unusable items.
Declutter before moving: Extra tips

With your checklist ready, you are good to get started. Declutter the rooms where you store the items you use the least frequently and start from there.
Furthermore, consider this handful of helpful tips to make the process even easier.
- Get an Early Start: You can start to declutter before moving way before you actually start packing. A few months before moving is ideal, as you need enough time to get the job done properly. When you don’t have to rush, you will make better-decluttering decisions, and you won’t throw out stuff that you will actually need. Also, neither will you end up with things you no longer want.
- Prepare properly: Moving boxes and trash bags are musts for a proper declutter session. The things you want to donate should end up in boxes, neatly packed, while everything you plan on throwing out should go in the trash bags. And, of course, make sure you have enough packing paper and packing tape if you need something wrapped up.
- Sort your items: Divide your stuff into three categories in every room: things you want to keep, throw out, and donate. Once you’re done with a room, take a thorough look at everything and if you want to keep something that you previously wanted to toss away or donate, simply put it in the “keep” category.
- Be realistic: Keeping everything can be really tempting. However, anything you haven’t made good use of in years should probably go. For clothes and accessories, ask yourself if you truly love these pieces. Just remember that anything you will take to your new home will also take up space and keep only the stuff you really need or love.
- Keep things going: Even after you’re done with decluttering, feel free to add a few things to your donation boxes or thrash bags if you realize you don’t need them.
Get started!
Sure, decluttering can be a daunting process, but it’s not that daunting if you start in time. This guide for decluttering should help you get a better idea of what you might actually not need in your new home. Also, you can always reach out to us for help, making moving even more streamlined.