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It would be ideal if all of your furniture and other belongings could simply teleport themselves into your new home without any lugging around and stress. Sadly, that’s not the case. However, you can simplify the process with a well-thought-after moving-out list, especially if you prepare in time, and break down the task into eight weeks.

Furthermore, by taking advantage of reliable moving services in New York, you can make the entire process even more streamlined.

So, without further ado, here are our moving organization tips.

How to prepare to move: Tasks broken down into eight weeks

The first trick of creating a good checklist for relocation is starting everything in time. Once the papers are signed, and you are ready, it’s ideal to start thinking about the logistics of moving.

Eight weeks before moving

While this is still early for some serious lugging around, you can start researching reputable moving companies or look for recommendations from loved ones or friends who also had to create their own moving-out lists.

Furthermore, you should also get familiar with your responsibilities and rights when working with a moving company. At this time, you can also look into extra insurance. Better yet, before even getting started with your moving-out list, ask a few prospective moving firms about what insurance coverages are included and give your homeowners’ policy a more thorough look as well.

Lastly, this is an ideal period to start researching the area where you will relocate to. Look at doctors, banks, and schools in the area and assess what you will need if you’ll have to set up any new accounts there.

Seven weeks before moving

This is still the research part of your pre-move checklist. It’s time to settle for a moving firm and start tracking the expenses you may encounter.

Before hiring a moving company, get estimates from moving firms, or better yet, get an estimator to do a professional inventory. When you’ve found the best company, strike a deal with them.

To keep better track of your moving expenses, keep every moving-related document and paperwork in one place.

Also, incline a shortlist of businesses in your moving-out list that you will need to reach out to change your online accounts, address, and so on.

Six weeks before moving

This is where your checklist for relocation becomes “more exciting.” Go around your home and decide what you will take yourself and things you won’t be needing anymore.

Start your moving-out list by packing the nonessential stuff, like craft supplies, stuff you need but rarely use, holiday decorations, etc. Assess all of your drawers and closets. Donate the clothes that you’re not wearing anymore. Other unwanted items should also go to charity, or you can sell them on a garage sale or even online.

Also, this is an ideal time to transfer school records if you have children.

Four weeks before moving

One of the best moving organization tips we can give is to have a strategic approach. Don’t throw everything into various boxes hectically. Instead, devise a plan in which you go room by room.

It’s also a great idea to take a better look at your freezer and refrigerator. Instead of buying, try to use up the food you already have.

It’s also a great idea to share your new address with loved ones and friends at this time.

Moving supplies are also definitive musts on your moving-out list, and ideally, this is the time you’ll want to stock up on them. Labels, packing material, boxes, box cutters are all stuff you will be needing.

Number or color-code your boxes according to different rooms and create an inventory list. Also, make a packing schedule for every room and get started! Don’t forget about proper box labeling as well.

Four weeks before moving

How to prepare to move this far into the process? Given that you’re moving this month, you might also need to get more familiar with official documents and pause the packing a bit.

Consider filling out a change-of-address form at the federal post office and consult all of the necessary businesses about the address change where you have relevant accounts.

This is also an ideal time to schedule your vacation time around moving days, so the workflow at your job won’t suffer.

Go through over major details again, like insurance coverage.

Three weeks before moving

At this time, your moving checklist should focus on things like sentimental items and valuables. As such, gather family heirlooms, jewelry, and valuable documents, separate them from the other stuff, and devise a plan for their transport.

Make sure to take a few photos of your most valuable possessions to document already existing damages, dings, and scratches.

Also, this is a good time to set up a new newspaper delivery for your new address and cancel the old one.

Two weeks before moving

Moving organization tips at this point are pretty straightforward. Pack your things little by little, double-check your addresses, moving insurance, and so on.

Make sure that large appliances such as freezers are ready to go. Double-check personal items, and take out a bit of cash if you have to deal with unexpected expenses.

One week before moving

We’re reaching the end of the list, so there’s not much left to do. Still, you can double-check that you’ve turned off all the utilities in your old home and make sure they will be turned on in the new home.

Get properly rid of flammables like chemicals, aerosol cans, and paint that you won’t be transporting.

Also, double-check your boxes to see if everything is there. Confirm the necessary details with your moving company, double-check details, check phone numbers, and voice your concerns if you still have some.

Consider hiring a reputable cleaning company that will clean up the home after the movers. The new owners will surely appreciate the gesture.

Lastly, take some time to cherish and celebrate all the memories you’ve made in the old home. Reflect a bit on the past, and make sure to remember all the good times.

Now, it’s time to start a brand new chapter, and you should embrace the great changes that are on your way!

Moving made easy

As you can see, relocating doesn’t have to be a daunting task. The key is getting started with everything in time and breaking the process down into smaller chunks. Sure, even this can be difficult at times, but you can pull through even the hardest challenges if you keep your eye on the end goal and envision yourself in your new living space.

And, of course, if you need help with moving, you can always reach out to us. With our services, you can rest assured that your valuables and possessions will be in good hands and out of harm’s way. You can even fill out the online form if you want to move or relocate in the near future.

Take the stress out of moving and let our professional movers handle the heavy lifting for you.

Contact us today to get started!

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